Start Living Again
While accustomed to hearing about menopause in women, most men don’t realize that they undergo a similar transition called Andropause. Andropause, often referred to as “male menopause,” is a decline in testosterone production that begins in the early thirties.
The gradual change in hormonal status can cause a variety of symptoms such as:
- Low Libido
- Difficulty Maintaining Erections
- Weight Gain
- Reduced Muscle Mass
- Increased Abdominal Fat
- Irritability & Fatigue
- Exercise Intolerance
- Memory loss
- Trouble sleeping
- Reduced productivity
The optimal hormonal treatment is intended to return the body’s hormones to more youthful levels that are balanced. With Hormone Optimization™, the vast majority of men will notice markedly improved strength, endurance and muscle mass. They will demonstrate improvement in workouts, cardiovascular conditioning, physical activity, and stamina. Hormone Optimization™ positively affects sex drive and sexual performance with improved erection quality in most men.*
How Do I Find Out if I Need Male Hormone Optimization™?
If you have any of the symptoms above, you’re probably a good candidate. LAK MedSpa will measure hormone levels including testosterone with a simple blood test. A consultation with our physician will confirm if you are a candidate.
The hormone pellets are made in an accredited compounding pharmacy and consist of a small 2-3 mm solid cylinder about the size of a grain of rice. Using a sterile technique, the physician will implant the pellet under the anesthetized skin into a fat pad located in the hip or upper buttock region. Once the pellet is implanted it will immediately begin releasing a steady amount of hormone into the blood. Pellets deliver consistent, healthy levels of hormones for 3-5 months in both men and women.
Dr. Lisa Ohman Erhard, M.D. & Dr. Mark Erhard will develop a customized Hormone Optimization therapy for you. LAK MedSpa orders compounded, customized prescriptions from an accredited compounding pharmacy that specializes in hormone replacement therapies. This allows for a customized dosage strength made just for you, and you alone. It will be based on your symptoms, your test results, and your lifestyle.
Best of all, Hormone Optimization utilizing pellet implantation avoids the fluctuations, or ups and downs, of hormone levels seen with other delivery methods. As a result, maximum benefits are achieved with minimal side effects. Rest assured, throughout the entire treatment you’ll receive the very best in care and monitoring from Dr. Erhard and her team of medical professionals.
Our all-natural, bio-identical hormones are derived from plant sources and are identical to those produced in the body. Optimizing your levels will produce results backed by science, for maximum lifestyle benefits. The goal for every patient is to achieve “optimum” hormone levels for a balanced, healthy and rewarding lifestyle.
Customized Pellet Treatment
Dr. Mark Erhard will develop a customized Hormone Optimization™ therapy for you. LAK MedSpa orders compounded, customized prescriptions from a pharmacy that specializes in hormone replacement therapies. This allows for a customized dosage strength made just for you, and you alone. It will be based on your symptoms, your test results, and your lifestyle.
“I have seen tremendous results in my patients. No other form of Male Hormone Optimization can even begin to be as easy and effective as the treatments we offer at LAK MedSpa.”, says Dr. Erhard
Look forward to feeling 30 again! For more information about Male Hormone Optimization™, or to schedule an appointment, please complete our online form or call (952) 800-9335.
What is Male Hormone Optimization™?
Male Hormone Optimization™ is offered exclusively at LĀK Med Spa
. Hormone Optimization™ returns the body’s hormones to more youthful and balanced.
Does it work?
Yes! It is proven, medical science. Using sophisticated lab tests and treatment protocols we will design a plan for you, and you alone, to produce life-altering results.*
How much hormone will I take?
Dr. Erhard will prescribe whatever amount it takes to get your hormone levels to a point that you are achieving optimal results.
Will my Hormone Optimization be supervised by a physician?
Yes! Medical doctors will work directly with you to evaluate, administer and monitor your progress.
Is it safe?
Yes. We use only bio-identical hormones in our therapy. These hormones are identical to what your body produces naturally.
When should I think about replacing hormones?
The best time to start replacing hormones is between age 35 and 40. However, it is never too late.
Will hormone therapy help sexual dysfunction?
Sexual dysfunction can have many causes; however, replacing hormones is a great place to start your treatment.
*Individual results may vary

For more information about how LAK MedSpa can help you achieve your goals, or to schedule an appointment, please complete our online form or call (952) 800-9335.