LAK MedSpa offers a wide variety of advanced aesthetic procedures and treatments that can help enhance your comfort with your appearance. Our team excels in the latest and greatest in aesthetics to provide you with a safe, comfortable, and fulfilling treatment experience. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and find out if the O-Shot may be right for you!

About the O-shot®

The O-Shot is an all-natural, non-surgical treatment with the goal of revitalizing vaginal tissue for enhanced comfort and sensitivity. Using platelet-rich plasma (PRP), we can help restore vaginal discomfort, alleviate mild urinary incontinence, and enhance sensitivity.

PRP is an all-natural solution created within a sample of your own blood. A member of our team will withdraw a small sample of blood through a very fine needle and spin it in a sterilized centrifuge for several minutes. Blood plasma will bond itself with other growth factors within the sample, creating the PRP formula, better known in this approach as the O-Shot.

Utilizing the blood’s natural reparative properties, the O-Shot works to progressively regenerate vaginal tissue and improve circulation. As circulation is enhanced, the body will produce more collagen, the skin’s main structural protein, to tighten vaginal walls for enhanced sensitivity.


  • Revitalized vaginal tissue
  • Alleviated urinary incontinence
  • Tighter vaginal canal for enhanced intimacy
  • Improved self-confidence and quality of life
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Virtually any woman who feels that aging has compromised their intimacy, as well as vaginal functionality, may consider the O-Shot. Since the O-Shot is all-natural, there is no potential risk of harsh allergic reactions or side effects. Our team will help you decide if the O-Shot may be suitable for you during your consultation.

Don’t let aging keep you from having comfortable, satisfying intimacy with your partner. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and find out if the O-Shot may be your key to revitalized femininity!